



改编自小松重男的小说《 蚤とり侍》,阿部宽饰演的武士因得罪了藩主而被流放为打着除猫蚤的名号实则向女顾客卖“肉”的“工口武士”小林宽之进。第一个客人小峯(寺岛忍饰)神似其亡妻,谁知才几分钟就被骂床技差,于是他下定决心磨炼起了床笫之术。丰川悦司饰演传授主人公取悦女性之道的妻管严的清兵 卫,前田敦子饰演清兵卫的妻子。斎藤工饰演阿部宽的邻居清贫却免费教书的私塾教师佐伯友之介


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Bond Street has been London's most exclusive shopping street for 300 years. This documentary takes us behind-the-scenes.
Based on the book by the same name, the film tells the inspiring story of a 12-year-old boy, who, separated from his family by a fast moving storm, must fight to stay alive during his nine-day adventure lost in the backwoods of Maine.
琳(莎露彩·查金哈 Sarocha Chankimha 饰)和凯斯(瑞玫高·阿瑟农 Rebecca Armstrong 饰)从朋友发展成恋人关系,琳梦想成为太空人,而凯斯则梦想打破自由潜水世界纪录。当琳终于成为太空人,凯斯却消失在深海之中,再也没有回来,让琳的余生都陷入在痛苦之中。某日,琳执行太空任务,但太空船却陷入巨大的太阳风暴当中,甚至切断了她与地球的联系。她认为这可能是她生命中的最后一刻了,这时,某种形式的能量突然带走她的灵魂,将她传送到与凯斯多个不同的平行世界当中。两人在平行世界里跨越不同时代,都相互爱上彼此,只不过最终都无法改变悲痛的结局。尽管如此,她仍坚持追求一个可以跟凯丝珍惜彼此的世界,不必再忍受着别离的痛苦。
the year 20XX, humanity has almost come to an end. A tsunami of meteors bombarded the entire planet; remaining survivors are forced to kill for food and power. The meteorites contained a mysterious material causing certain death to anyone who encounters it. But in very rare cases, some humans survive the exposure and undergo a metamorphosis into horrific “meteorite beasts”. People call them 'ANOROC'. These new beings hunt and kill humans for their lifeforce and have become the enemy humanity has ever known. The Earth has one last defender against ANOROC; her name is 'LION-GIRL'.   A modern exploitation film like no other, and featuring story and character design by legendary Manga artist, Go Nagai (Cutie Honey, Devilman, Mazinger Z), alongside glorious practical effects, gratuitous nudity, and an utterly unhinged story, Lion-Girl is an outrageous sci-fi epic.
Bonhoeffer is the true story of a man who preached love while plotting the assassination of an evil tyrant. With world-shattering stakes, Bonhoeffer begs the question, how far will you go to stand up for what's right?
什么是电影? 是纪录片查克·沃克曼关于电影形式掌握的引人入胜的视觉文章。 我们的全球首映之后将与 Workman 进行现场对话。
从很小的时候起,妹妹(朱琳 饰)就被父母抛弃成为了孤儿,幸运的是,远在澳大利亚,有一个名叫兰德尔(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)的绅士出手相助,妹妹才能在孤儿院过上衣食无忧的生活。妹妹从未见过她的救命恩人,她对兰德尔的所有了解都局限于后者寄给她的各种各样漂亮的卡片之中,在妹妹的印象里,兰德尔住在一幢大房子里,家庭幸福,富有又善良。  一次意外的机会中,妹妹所在的孤儿院来到澳大利亚参加一个活动,妹妹偷偷的离开了队伍,独自踏上了寻找兰德尔的旅途。没想到,现实犹如一盆冷水浇在了妹妹的头上,兰德尔并不富有,甚至都失去了自由。兰德尔的落魄并没有改变妹妹对他的尊重,随着时间的流逝,一种类似于亲情的感情在两人之间产生了。
1945年,第二次世界大战接近尾声,轴心国已成强弩之末,败局已定。许多战争中被俘虏的日本士兵经过改造后,陆续踏上回国的旅途,这其中便包括罗圈腿中村下等兵(潘长江 饰)。然而,即使在这垂死关头,帝国主义的贪婪仍旧没有收敛。轮椅太君(胡晓光 饰)伤愈出院,亲自负责指挥战舰阿多丸运送伤兵回国的重任,但是阿多丸还有一个秘密任务,那就是将从中国劫掠来的文物偷运出境。这个秘密被小刘(刘小微 饰)的父亲——一个文物老专家所得知,他掌握着所有文物的清单,也因此遭到日寇的追杀。临死之际,老教授将藏有清单的可乐瓶交给担任联络员的郭大叔(郭达 饰)。侦知到日本人的阴谋,八路军以及重庆方面的势力都行动起来。  而在这一过程中,更大的阴谋也悄悄浮出水面……
我姥姥(刘薇 饰)上学的年代正是闹鬼子的时候,学校里经常有鬼子来抓爱国学生,而被抓走的学生又大多没有回来过。一天,姥姥被鬼子盯上,慌乱之中钻进大木箱被日本鬼子抬上了列车。出站驶入山区时列车遭到游击队员袭击,队长将大木箱子交给一个赶着驴车回村的农夫(郭达 饰),不想就遇到一队 鬼子兵。巧妙地骗过搜查,农夫却被强令带路进入石桥村。进入石桥村,村里老小都加入到解救的队伍中来。不仅如此,村里埋设的地雷、老奶奶喂养的大公鸡、农夫拉车的驴也都让鬼子出尽了洋相、吃尽了苦头,尤其是个“罗圈腿”(潘长江 饰)。经过一天的巧妙周旋,姥姥和农夫配合打回村里的游击队员全歼了鬼子的小分队……
在一个普通的夜晚,约翰(斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins 饰)的家被几名蒙面人闯入,他遭到对方无情痛击,血流满面,疼痛难耐,接着妻子与可爱的女儿便在眼前被匪徒们枪杀。在昏迷长达数月后,约翰苏醒过来,他清楚记得曾摘下头套以真面目示人的匪徒头目的长相,从负责此案的FBI探员口中得知,此人名叫卢克·戴沃洛克斯(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰),曾经是一名孔武骠悍的军人。约翰无论如何也想不透遭此厄运的缘由,回到家中,往昔美好情景历历浮现,令他痛苦不堪。在这一过程中,卢克宛如鬼魅一般时时刻刻搅扰约翰的神经,他尝试寻找真相,却发现那看似真实无疑的记忆竟也如此虚假。   与此同时,卢克和一群曾经被操控的战士组织了反政府的武装,时刻图谋推翻奴役他们的统治者……
THE PLAYROOM unfolds like a dream wrapped around a family drama: four children in their attic hideaway make up a fantastic story, while downstairs their parents weave a drunken intrigue of their own. In a lyrical but gripping dual narrative, the story of the children’s life intertwines with the story they make up about their life–until the two stories collide and the delicate family structure collapses.   The action plays out through the eyes of Maggie Cantwell, a tempestuous teenager who turns reality into a game and make-believe into a life-or-death undertaking. But Maggie is getting too old to believe in the tales she spins for the younger children. Before the night is over, she must confront the truth and make a terrible choice.   Emotionally riveting and surprisingly funny, THE PLAYROOM is the story of how Maggie and her siblings survive the most fateful night of their lives.
扣人心弦的纪录片讲述了 ITVX 电视剧《消失的法案》背后的真实故事。讲述百万富翁梅丽莎·卡迪克的骗术,她逃走了,再也没有回来。
Together: 4-In-A-Row goes inside another momentous campaign to show the leadership, determination, resilience and teamwork required to win consistently.   Set to be released on 20 November on CITY+, the film features exclusive interviews with Pep Guardiola, Ballon d’Or winner Rodri and club captain Kyle Walker, as well as Director of Football Txiki Begiristain and City Football Group Chief Executive Officer Ferran Soriano amongst others.   Broadcasters Gary Lineker and Seema Jaswal are among the football experts to share their insight into yet another hard-fought and demanding season.   From the arrival of new signings Jeremy Doku, Josko Gvardiol, Mateo Kovacic and Matheus Nunes, to the Club World Cup victory and Kevin De Bruyne’s return from injury, Together: 4-In-A-Row documents the challenges, adversity and winning moments in another tight Premier League race as City made history by becoming the first English team to ever win four successive titles.   Providing fans with immersive and exclusive access to the first team, it is the latest release in the ‘Together’ collection, filmed by an embedded camera crew and produced by City Studios – Manchester City’s unique, world-class creative content and production hub.   “As players, we’re incredibly lucky to have enjoyed success and incredible moments over the last few years,” Walker said.   “We continue to strive to be the best, break boundaries and aim to achieve things that may never have been done before and last season was testament to the hard work, resilience and determination we have as a team.   “This film not only captures a moment of history for the club but also highlights the true togetherness we have as a squad that helps us to achieve such amazing success.”   Gavin Johnson, Media Director at City Football Group, said: “We’re delighted to announce the release of our latest offering in the ‘Together’ collection.   “Produced once again by our award-winning in-house production and creative hub, City Studios, the documentary film offers our fans a true insight into the team and how they achieved the historic four-in-a-row success.”   Together: 4-In-A-Row will be released on 20 November at 18:00 (UK) on CITY+
哈里·斯泰尔斯 (Harry Styles):画龙点睛
哈里·斯泰尔斯 (Harry Styles) 知道如何穿搭好衣服。无论你想象他在 2014 年左右从头到脚穿着 Saint Laurent,我们都在谈论紧身牛仔裤、切尔西靴、头巾和剪裁羊毛大衣。或者 2021 年 MET Gala 上从头到脚的 Gucci 造型证明了斯泰尔斯在未来许多年里都赢得了他的姓氏。那是因为他知道什么是风格:围绕一堆基本款搭配衣柜,然后再添加一些点睛之笔。他的服装总能给人灵感,无论是天鹅绒双层西装、柔和色调的喇叭裤还是荷叶边衬衫。从猫王到大卫·鲍伊,音乐家都具有体现和传达时代精神的独特能力。十几岁时,斯泰尔斯就展现出十年后成长为一名艺术家的潜力:他不惧表达自我,似乎拒绝传统的男性气质束缚,并学会真诚地与粉丝沟通。他的真实性以及他的才华使他成为本世纪最具代表性的艺术家之一。
人气97 喜剧片
7.9 2024 日本 HD

年份: 2024

主演: 丰川悦司   前田敦子   大竹忍   寺岛忍   斋藤工   桂三枝   福本莉子   笑福亭鹤光   阿部宽   风间杜夫   飞鸟凛  

描述:改编自小松重男的小说《 蚤とり侍》,阿部宽饰演的武士因得罪了藩主而被流放为打着除猫蚤的名号实则向女顾客卖“肉”的“工口武士”小林宽之进。第一个客人小峯(寺岛忍饰)神似其亡妻,谁知才几分钟就被骂床技差,于是他下定决心磨炼起了床笫之术。丰川悦司饰演传授主人公取悦女性之道的妻管严的清兵 卫,前田敦子饰演清兵卫的妻子。斎藤工饰演阿部宽的邻居清贫却免费教书的私塾教师佐伯友之介


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