





7组竞争者共14人分别空降到温哥华岛的北部,每组的两个队员一共可以选择10个生存装备,并平分装备。每组中需要选择一人降落在营地,另一人则降落在距离营地16km(1 mi)的地方并需要靠指南针徒步到营地。每个人都可以在任何时间退出游戏,同时另一名组员也会自动被退出游戏。如果有组员因为受伤而退出,那么与主动退出游戏一样。坚持到最后一组的两名成员获得50万美金。   提供的装备:   1 pair high leg Hunting boots   1 Pair water shoes (crocs/sandals/keens)   1 T-shirt   2 fleece or wool shirts (hooded or unhooded)   1 wool sweater   3 pairs wool socks   2 hats (brimmed, wool or baseball)   1 bandana or shemagh or buff/face mask   2 Pairs of Gloves (one insulated and one leather work style glove)   2 pairs underwear   1 warm outdoor jacket   1 rain jacket   1 rain pant   1 pair thermal underwear (long top and bottom)   1 pair of gaiters   1 leather belt (or synthetic equivalent)   1 toothbrush   1 pair of eye glasses (with proof of prescription)   1 personal photograph   1 Multi-seasonal Sleeping Bag (should be a minimum of a -10 degrees Celsius rating and synthetic)   1 Fixed Blade Knife   1 Ferro Rod (must not be longer than 6in, and must have plastic handle)   可选装备:每组选出10种   *Each Team may select 10 items from the following list (5 items per person).   *Participants may only choose up to 2 Food items each.   *Non-Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Teammate.   *The Hunting Items are limited to 1 of each item listed per Team.   Shelter   12x12 ground cloth/tarp (grommets approved)   8 mm climbing rope - 10M   550 parachord - 20m   1 hatchet   1 saw   1 ax   Bedding   1 bivi bag (Gore-Tex sleeping bag cover)   1 sleeping pad   1 hammock   Cooking   1 large pot (no more than 2 quarts; includes lid)   1 steel frying pan   1 enamel bowl for eating   1 spoon   1 canteen or water bottle   Hygiene   1 bar soap   1 8 oz tube of toothpaste   1 face flannel   1 40 m roll dental floss   1 small bottle bio shower soap   1 shaving razor (and 1 blade)   1 towel (30” x 60”)   1 comb   Hunting (Note: only 1 item can be chosen between each pair of participants)   1 300-yard roll of a single filament fishing line / 25 assorted Hooks (no lures)   1 primitive bow + 6x arrows (must be predominately made of wood)   1 small gauge gill net (12' x 4' with 1.5" mesh)   1 slingshot/catapult + 30 steel ball bearings + 1 replacement band   1 net foraging bag   1 3.5 lb roll of trapping wire   3 lbs of one solid block of salt   Food   2 lbs of beef jerky (protein)   2 lbs of dried pulses/legumes/lentils mix (starch and carbs)   2 lbs of biltong (protein)   2 lbs of hard tack military biscuits (carbs/sugars)   2 lbs of chocolate (Simple/complex sugars)   2 lbs of pemmican (traditional trail food made from fat and proteins)   2 lbs of gorp (raisins, m&m's and peanuts)   2 lbs of flour (starch/carbs)   1/3 lbs rice/ 1/3 lb sugar / 1/3 lb of salt   Tools   1 pocket knife   1 Leatherman multi-tool or similar   1 sharpening stone   1 roll of duct tape or 1 roll of electrical tape   1 small shovel   1 small sewing kit   1 carabineer   1 LED flashlight   1 pair of ice spike


  • 第01集
  • 第02集
  • 第03集
  • 第04集
  • 第05集
  • 第06集
  • 第07集
  • 第08集
  • 第09集
  • 第10集
  • 第11集
  • 第12集
卡戴珊家族 第六季
A reality-competition show, in which over 1,000 contestants play for a single $5 million cash payout.
A reality-competition show, in which over 1,000 contestants play for a single $5 million cash payout.
贝尔追缉令 名人丛林大逃亡
这档以哥斯达黎加丛林为背景的竞赛节目由霍利·威洛比主持,12 位名人嘉宾成了恐怖猎人贝尔·格里尔斯的猎物。
这档以哥斯达黎加丛林为背景的竞赛节目由霍利·威洛比主持,12 位名人嘉宾成了恐怖猎人贝尔·格里尔斯的猎物。
来自世界各地的十名热辣单身者齐聚在热带天堂,这群年轻人认为这将是他们生命中最具异国情调和最性感的夏天,但转折不约而至。如果想要赢得 10 万美元的大奖,这些喜欢随意约会的承诺恐惧症患者在整个过程中都不得有任何耍花招的行为。没有亲吻,没有爱抚,没有任何形式的自我满足。每僭越一次,奖金就会随之减少。在这个奢侈的禁欲区,热衷单身的人能够建立更深的情感联系吗?还是诱惑太过强烈,让人无法自持?
独家接触最杰出的达芬奇的作品——他的笔记、画作、书信和他的思想,这部激动人心的特别制作将会是对达芬奇生活和工作的一次终极庆典。相对于所有人来说,达芬奇可能具有更为杰出的才能去发现事物之间的联系、挖掘事物的深意,并进行复杂的想象。探寻他画作中的多维空间,发现他生活中的点子。在这部纪录片中,观众们将一起探索这位科学家、艺术家、发明家,看看他到底是怎样被灵感驱使,创造了一个又一个奇迹!   (来自百度百科)
These are six of the toughest prisons in the world. Prisons so tough, even gang bosses and killers learn the meaning of fear. Across four continents, six different prisons, the series takes us beyond the gates, walls, barred windows and cells into an unknown world, a world we know exists, but a world nobody wants to think about. Imagine prisons so tough that even the hardest ga...
Invisible Killers, a three-part documentary series, looks at how viruses have shaped our health and history, the biological and social impact they have on our global society, and the incredible science that has arisen to combat them. Each of the episodes focuses on an individual virus, reaching back to tell the history of that virus and looking closely at the state of the resea...
人类可能相信自己是世界上最伟大的探险家,但事实并非如此。每天有数以百万计的动物沿着已经使用了几个世纪的路径在全球范围内迁徙。它们翱翔、飞行、游泳,从南极洲到非洲大草原,从太平洋到阿拉斯加。这个系列让观众沉浸在动物冒险中。 与忠诚的座头鲸妈妈一起照顾她的小牛犊、小粪甲虫、帝王蝶、顽强的家燕和许多其他物种。这些勇敢的旅行者在一生中利用地球磁场、恒星、月球、洋流以及他们对陆地和海洋的自然感官迁徙了数千英里。与杰瑞米·雷纳一起讲述最极限的冒险经历。
A four-part documentary in which Oxford physicist Ard Louis and film-maker David Malone meet scientists, philosophers and writers to discuss questions about meaning and the nature of the universe.
Colorized historical footage in ascending order of World War 1. Not only the relatively known Flanders and France battles, but also the generally unknown Italian-Austrian, German-Polish-Russian, Japanese-German, Ottoman Empire- Allied and African German Colonies, and other unknown or forgotten fronts and battles. Original French production retold in English for National Geograp...
Tom Daley Goes Global follows the travelling adventures of the diving sensation as he embarks on a whistle-stop backpacking trip.      Cameras will follow Tom and his best friend Sophie as they kiss their families goodbye, pack their bags and head for the wilds of some of the most incredible countries on earth such as Thailand, Japan, Australia, Morocco and New Zealand.      The trip w...
从灯火通明的大都市,到人烟稀少的深山老林;从广阔无垠的大草原,到人迹罕至的沙漠戈壁;从长年积雪的高海拨山区到一望无际的平原;从浩瀚大地到碧海蓝天……中国,这片古老而又神奇的土地,囊括了多种特质的地貌,哺育着各族儿女,也孕育着各类珍奇野兽,奇花异草。这次,通过镜头,我们去探访散落在这片土地上的美丽奇景。沿着长江流域,去看喀斯特地貌造就的奇石怪林;去云南的热带雨林,寻找亚洲野象、滇金丝猴;来到青藏高原,奔赴内蒙草地,攀爬山脉,眺望西部边陲。这里,是你我熟悉又陌生的美丽中国。   本片是CCTV和BBC第一次联合摄制的作品,历时4年拍摄,使用了航拍、红外、高速、延时和水下等先进摄影技术。一共六集,分别为《富饶华南》、《彩云之南》、《青藏高原》、《长城以外》、《龙之疆域》和《喧闹海岸》。
Have you ever wondered why the human body looks the way it does? Why our hands have five fingers instead of six? Why we walk on two legs instead of four?   It took more than 350 million years for the human body to take shape. How did it become the complicated, quirky, amazing machine it is today?   Your Inner Fish delves deep into the past to answer these questions. Premiering Wedn...